Thursday, May 21, 2020

Rachelle Buchanan's Tell-All book postponed for now

MEMPHIS, TN (IFS) – Word has reached the offices of Internet Federation of Syndicate News Writers (IFS), that Arizona Gardening Guru, Rachelle Buchanan, (Planting Arizona – SDCTV) has decided that her biography RKB – FROM SEEDS TO RICHES will be postponed for several months.

Buchanan decided that she was not mentally ready to face the challenges of the rugged recall that impeded her when growing up as a child in Illinois and Arizona.  As the seventh child of Arthur and Roberta Sholz,  the young Rachelle enjoyed learning the skills that her grandmother gave her, and the love of gardening. 

Buchanan’s book is straight to the point and holds nothing back.  It’s the book that will one day be filmed and will be a contender for several awards.  As stated earlier, the preface of the book was enough to put it on hold, and it was not even Chapter One.  When Buchanan will start back on the writing of the book will be up to her health and her outlook into the future value of such a book.

Buchanan’s hit SDCTV/PLEX gardening show is a must-watch for gardeners and beginners everywhere.  Over eight (8) years ago, Buchanan started a “Mystery Mellons” campaign to help in the food deserts of the World.  Expanding to children in homes that are in the city, and seniors that were in nursing homes. 

“It is so healing to help grow plants and foodstuffs in small places,”  Buchanan added.  In the early days, Buchanan would just ship the seeds.  However, these days, her “Mystery Mellons” comes with everything you need to grow food, including seeds, soil, and growing containers all in one package.

The program has been so successful, Buchanan refuses to slow down, and continues to garden regularly on her video show with her experimental gardens and projects were all over Arizona, including Southern California and Southern Nevada.

Buchanan’s book publisher, SDC PaperDreams Imprint and Digital Publishing Division will reset their publishing deadline to help ease the continuity that she needs to project into this biography.

Buchanan was given the opportunity to start on the book over several months ago, and the right tone of the project could not be found.

With several in-house writers that started on the Preface portion.  Buchanan decided that the storyline was to close to home, and she said that it was like taking a shot of acid and zooming into the sky.  The emotions of her life are somewhat drastic and writing on the biography was more complicated and stressful than at first to be believed.

Kenneth Howard Smith, CEO/President of SDC OmniMedia Group, the parent company of PaperDreams Imprint, told IFS, that he was willing to give Buchanan all the space she needed to complete the book.  In the meantime, Buchanan's new album MUSIC FOR GROWING PLANTS will be available for purchase and or download by June 20, 2020.

Smith also, expressed his sincere apology to Ms. Buchanan for having to recall such abuse and torment from family members, that to this day has taken a great toll.  When Buchanan’s story is told and the book released, the fallout will be extraordinary.  

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